Privacy Policy


When using our products and services, we can gather information from and about you from Rotterdam Partners and the City of Rotterdam, publishers of This includes data we collect when using our (mobile) websites and other services, such as e-mails online promotions, events and actions, contests and loyalty programmes.

We do this by implementing the insights that we obtain from our products to help us improve our products and services (eg. by tailoring them better to your needs). In addition, we do this for commercial and strategic considerations (in order to get better insight into the products and services that you are interested in as a user and to give the living partners behind Rotterdam Partners as much insight as possible into the housing and content offerings on this site).

Here you will read how we deal with your relevant information, how and what information we can collect and for what purposes we can use it. In addition, you will find information about how to gain access to your data, how to edit (or delete) your data, and who are (potential) recipients of this data.


This privacy and cookie policy applies to the processing of data by Rotterdam Partners and the City of Rotterdam (hereinafter "the publishers"). The persons responsible for processing personal data are Rotterdam Partners and the Municipality of Rotterdam.


With this privacy and cookie policy, we want to clarify how we handle your data. If you have questions about this document, or processing data (request for access, change or deletion of data), you can email your query to [email protected]

If you would rather contact us via mail, please click here for our address.


You are not required to disclose your personal information at the time you take a product or service from us. You have the option of entering your personal information at any time or not. However, in order to make use of some of our products and services, the import of personal data is necessary. If you would like to receive a newsletter, we will need a working email address (e-mail will be prompted to confirm the request in order to  confirm an account).

If you are prompted to enter your information, please recognise what information is required to use the service (and so to be filled in), and what information is optional.


When providing products and services, we can process (personal) data from visitors / users of our (mobile) websites and other services, such as online promotions, events and actions, contests and loyalty programmes. The (personal) data we can process differs per product/ service.

There are two ways we can collect (personal) data:

  • Requesting products / services via our (mobile) websites (for example, requesting an email newsletter): This will process information provided to you by the website itself; Such as your email address;
  • Use of our (mobile) websites: This will process information about your use of those (mobile) websites, such as the visited pages. From this information we can detect your potential interests.

This information thus differs from personal information, such as name, e-mail address, address and telephone number (information to which you can be identified with immediately), to information that relates to you, but on the basis of which you cannot be directly or indirectly identified. This privacy and cookie policy looks at how we treat all of this data.

The publishers can exchange your personal information with partners of Rotterdam Partners and the supplier of the housing offer, Het Nieuwbouw Platform. 

Finally, in some cases, your data may be combined with information from external sources (such as demographic and geographic segments). Based on all of this data, we will set up a profile so that we can better serve you and the content of these products and services can be even better tuned to your interests.


We collect and process personal information for the following purposes, which includes our (mobile) operated website.

  • To provide you with the agreed services, products and / or information, and adapt it to your needs and wishes, to provide you with the opportunity to post and exchange information on any of the websites, or if the website offers the opportunity to contact other users;
  • To make targeted offers, eg. by email. As part of the optimization of making offers, we can compile a profile of you;
  • To send you a newsletter, offer, user information, service message or other electronic message;
  • We can rent NAW (Name, Address & City) data to partners of Rotterdam Partners, the Municipality of Rotterdam and / or the New Construction Platform that you can offer products, services or information (see also 'Sharing and disclosing personal data');
  • To analyse, maintain, optimize and secure our (mobile) websites and associated technologies and to combat fraud;
  • To comply with our statutory laws and regulations and to deal with disputes and to conduct audits;
  • To conduct market research and to compile management information for product and service development and to determine (overall) strategy;
  • In addition, all data is not always processed for the same purposes. For example, some data may only be stored for the requested service, while other data may be used as well as for analysing and improving the use of our websites and for making a targeted offer.
  • We will keep your personal information, in principle, for as long as necessary for the above purposes, or to comply with statutory (preserved) obligations.


We can exchange personal data processed by us with the partners of Rotterdam Partners, the City of Rotterdam and / or the New Construction Platform and combine with data processed by the partners of Rotterdam Partners, the Municipality of Rotterdam and / or the New Construction Platform. For further explanation, see "Types of data" above. 

Only if you have given us (unambiguous) permission, can we send you information and offers from third parties via email, about their products and services. Such information and offers will always be sent from

In special cases, we may provide personal information to third parties without your permission. Special cases include, for example, legitimate requests for authorities, subpoenas or court orders, actions to detect or prevent damage or fraud, or actions to ensure the security of our network and our services.

We can also provide personal information to so-called processors who, upon request of you, provide you with products or services upon your request, which (unless otherwise stated) your personal information will only be used to fulfill that delivery obligation. These editors are not entitled to use this data for their own purposes.

Finally, we can share some anonymous data with third parties, such as the number of users who searched for a particular search term. Based on this information, you cannot be identified.


  • Cookies are simple small text files that are stored on the hard drive or in your computer / mobile / tablet memory. Cookies cannot damage your computer or the files that are on it. Below is an overview of the cookies that we can use.
  • Cookies allow you to be recognized on our websites if you visit them again. We use cookies for statistical purposes. Among other things, to see how often a website is visited, through which website (s) visitors came to our website and which pages are visited on a website.
  • If you have disabled cookies through your browser settings, there is a chance that certain features may not work or you may not be able to use certain services. In any case, you will see the cookie information bar on each page as our websites will not be able to save (in a cookie) that you have visited the website before and possibly even have chosen to accept / not accept cookies .
  • As mentioned earlier, we may exchange personal data processed by us with the partners of Rotterdam Partners, the City of Rotterdam and / or the New Construction Platform and combine your personal data with data gathered in connection with the use of our products or services. This also includes browsing data collected via cookies.
  • You can decide at any time whether you want to accept or decline cookies. Upon your first visit to our website, you will be informed about the use of cookies, giving you the opportunity to accept or decline them. You can change that choice at anytime.


If you have explicitly consented to this, we will use your location for statistical purposes in the (mobile) website. If you do not want to share location information anymore, you can easily turn it off by using your phone or computer settings.


We maintain at all times a level of security in the processing of personal data which is sufficiently viewed as being state of the art to prevent unauthorized access, adaptation, disclosure or loss of personal data. This includes both technical and organizational measures (such as data encryption, access control to our locations, and limited group of employees who have access to this data, etc.).


We believe that it is important to be transparent about the way we handle your personal data. With this privacy and cookie policy, we try to provide you with clarity and transparency. If you still have questions about how we handle your personal information, please contact us at [email protected] (or see further contact details under 'Contact').

If you would like to know which personal data we have recorded, if you would like to change (or have) data (leave) in accordance with applicable regulations, please send an email to [email protected] (or see further contact details under ' Contact'). You can also indicate that you no longer appreciate the provision of your personal data to the partners of Rotterdam Partners, the City of Rotterdam and / or the LNP Foundation, combining your personal information into a profile, or using your information for the targeted offers or receive information and offers by e-mail or post.

Send an e-mail to [email protected] regarding "inspection / modification / removal of data" (or see further contact details under "Contact").

In your message please include your full name, address and place of residence, add a copy of an ID so that we know that the information you request actually relates to you and is therefore sent to the correct person (set for the Assurance on the copy of your ID that you send to us and make your citizenship number and any picture unrecognisable). If we cannot fully determine what personal data you request for inspection, modification or removal concerns, we may ask you to specify your request. We will suspend the execution of your request until you provide us with the (further) specification. Upon completion of your request, we will send you a confirmation email.

As soon as possible after receiving your request, we will notify you, if or if not, we accept your request.

Not every request for amendment or removal will be honored. A request that provides for personal information that is not (only) related to you will be refused. Furthermore, the Personal Data Protection Act provides that you have the right to (have) repaired factual inaccuracies. A request to modify data which does not indicate that the data was actually incorrect or does not follow that the requested change actually makes the data factually correct will not be honored. Nor will we fully honor any request for data removal. In some cases, we are required to keep certain information (fiscal legislation) based on the law.


This privacy and cookie policy can be changed. Check this page regularly to see if any changes have been made. If we make any substantial changes we will ensure a more prominent notice, for example, through our website or by e-mail.

This privacy and cookie policy was last modified on June 9, 2017.